We read about the mass breakout of criminals from a prison. A woman talks about performing a curse that has been declared illegal. A teenage boy talks about his parents having been tortured and killed. ► A teenage girl talks about the death of her mother at the hands of a witch who tortured her. A teenage boy yells at another teenage boy and a teenage boy yells at a teenage boy and a teenage girl in a couple of scenes. ► A teenage boy yells at his teacher and she yells back at him. A woman with a wand zaps a paper bird it bursts into flames and falls in ashes to the ground. ► Many shelves filled with glass balls crumble and crash to the floor while teenagers run out of the room trying to avoid being crushed (no one is harmed). A snake tattoo on a woman's arm begins to move. A man has cuts and bruises on his face and holds a raw steak on his eye. ► A severed ear (there's no blood) dangling from a string is lowered near a room where people are talking, a cat plays with the ear, catches it and eats it. A teenage boy walks through dark hallways of a building and finds a small creature mumbling about its mistress.

► A teenage boy imagines seeing someone that he fears deeply standing in a train station watching him. A teenage boy and a teenage girl are zapped by a witch's wand when they are found kissing in a hallway (the zap separates them but they do not appear injured). A wizard uses his wand to throw another person the air (he falls to the ground but appears OK), and another wizard is held in the air and then falls to the ground. Teenage boys tease another teenage boy about his dead mother. ► A teenage boy teases another boy he uses his wand to lift the boy into the air and threatens to take off his pants in front of a crowd that chants for him to do it (we do not see whether he does or not). A man and a teenage boy are lowered underground in a telephone booth. ► Several teenagers fall through a chute and nearly crash to the floor on the other side but are stopped before doing so. Two teenage boys fly on brooms through a room and set off fireworks they also create a large flame that takes the shape of a dragon that snaps its large jaw toward a woman, who runs in fear. A wizard disappears in a flash of flames. A witch uses her wand to blow a hole in a stone wall behind which there is a roomful of teenagers (no one is injured). ► A teenage boy punches his wardrobe and startles an owl that's in a cage nearby. A teenage boy zaps Dementors with his wand while chanting a phrase that causes them to swirl into the air and away from him. A teenage boy lunges at another teenage boy and presses a wand under his chin a large storm cloud swirls overhead and the boys run for cover. ► A giant picks a girl up in his hand, the girl screams and yells at him, and he puts her down unharmed. Several teenagers are swarmed by a dark cloud and then held by a dark wizard (one has blood on his face). ► Two teenage boys are trapped by "Dementors" (skeletal specters) that pin them against a wall and to the ground respectively and suck out a vapor from them. A teenage boy has several frightening nightmares about being sought by a dark wizard.

A teenage boy thrashes when a wizard invades his mind and he tries to resist him. A teenage boy remembers when a friend was murdered by a dark wizard and grieves deeply. ► A teenage boy thrashes violently while sleeping and dreaming of a large slithering snake, and he sees a man being zapped repeatedly (the man falls to the ground and is shown with large bloody wounds on his face). ► A teenage girl is struck hard in the face and we see blood on her mouth. Wizards fight back and forth with flashes and zapping, and one is zapped and fades away into a cloud (it is implied that he is dead). ► Two wizards fight: one blows a large fireball shaped like a snake toward the other, the other fires back with water, and one of them is blown to dust. Several teenagers are punished and made to write apologies on a piece of paper and the letters they write are shown being carved into the backs of their hands (we see blood and hear whimpering). ► A teenage boy is punished by being made to write words of apology on a piece of paper and as he writes, the same letters are engraved in the back of his hand (we see the letters appearing with blood and the boy winces). ► A teenage boy has a nightmare where he sees a man being tortured brutally (we see him being thrown around and jolted and he has a bloody face).

VIOLENCE/GORE 6 - Centaurs with bows and arrows take aim at a woman, she throws a rope around the neck of one centaur, others shoot her, she runs, a giant picks her up, the centaurs shoot at the giant, the giant drops the woman, and the centaurs pick her up and drag her away through a dark forest while she screams.